Monday, June 15, 2009

Plans for the living room

photoshop mockup

Ok, so I found my dream chair (I still can't believe it either) and I'm ready to give my living room some personality - and by that I mean some color and texture. I'm still researching places to get my chair reupholstered. If anyone knows any good ones around NH and MA, please let me know. Tips on good places to find cool fabric would also be appreciated.

Then there's the carpet: I currently have a large, ugly white berber carpet that I want to get rid of. I've always wanted a big white shag rug, but never wanted to invest that much money into a carpet (mostly because my husband and I are slobs!)

A few weeks ago when I was in Ikea I noticed the Stockholm shag rugs. They come in white cream, gray and a burnt orange color, and measure 7 ' 10 " x 5 ' 7 ". I want white, but the orange carpet is very similar to the orange wall in the dining room. If I could go and buy both to try them out, I would. Unfortunately, it's a 90 minute drive to Ikea. So I guess I will just go with white. I will need to buy two of them and sew or tape them together.

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