Thursday, June 18, 2009

The guest room

One of the reasons we fell in love with our particular home is that it has about 2300 sq. ft. of living area. Most mid-century homes (at least in New England) are quite small by comparison, so for a while it seemed like we would never find a place that would suit both our space needs and our architectural wants. Thankfully, we did.

The house has three "bedrooms": a large master bedroom, another large room that is my office and a third, smaller (14ft x 12ft) room in between the two. We've been using this third room as storage (we have no basement) but with the garage almost completed, my husband has been moving his tools and things out there, and the room is beginning to clear out. There's still some stuff in there I need to move - a table, my childhood doll house, my nana's old army trunk, a bunch of old lamps - but it's getting to where we can start thinking about turning it into its intended use: a guest room!

I'm at a loss for what I would like to do in there. What color should I paint it? For some reason I keep thinking blue or yellow... Any ideas?

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