Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Office progression

This horrible thing above was my old storage closet for my business supplies, etc. It originally had 3 large sliding doors that I eventually took off. It was all stained dark brown so I started painting it, but then I felt like it was a waste of my time painting this ugly thing. It was like this for so long! Then back in January I went a bit crazy and starting destroying it! That thing was built like a rock, but my husband and I killed it! GRRR!

Then we moved on to the walls. So many people might be mad at me for tearing down the pecky cyprus paneling, but it made me so unhappy. We live in the woods and we get a mouse every so often and I would sometimes hear one crawling in there. Yuck! The paneling was riddled with masonry nails. If you don't know what those are imagine pulling out 100 mini swords in stone. That took us a month to finally complete.

Then the plastering... I'm all for doing it yourself, but the plaster I bought at Lowes was so thick. I had such a hard time. After 2 months of working in this room I just lost that energy, so I surrendered and called a professional. In a week it was done!

MMM smooth. In this picture we are putting up the vintage dome light that used to be in the dinning room. The walls arn't painted just yet. The plaster on the walls is very similar to the paint color I chose. I actually really liked the plaster color and found paint that was a close match.

Painted walls, new window frame, and new blinds. I can't believe how good it's all looking! It's about one more week until the cabinetry will be delivered and installed. Yipeee!

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