Thursday, September 10, 2009

The story of the sad little kitchen *Update

I hardly ever show pictures of my kitchen, that's because I hate it!

Photo taken before we moved in last year

My neighbor just told me a few weeks ago that my kitchen cabinets were metal, but I guess they were really rusty, so someone ripped them out and installed these traditional looking ones with a birch finish. It soo doesn't go with the rest of the house. grumbles...

In a few years I'd like to redo the cabinets but I have no idea what kind finish to do. The floors are a bit strange, white and light gray raw marble slabs with dark brown grout. I thought it would be nice and contrasty to do a dark walnut finish but not too dark because the kitchen doesn't get a lot of light. Anyone have any ideas?

One thing I know I want is Vetrazzo countertops! While I was looking to buy last year I visited a property for sale that had this type of countertop, it was gorgeous! All of the glass used in Vetrazzo countertops is recycled, and it makes up about 85% of the final material by weight. The largest proportion of glass comes from curbside recycling programs. Besides being sustainable it's soo beautiful. Click here to view more colors.


I found this image online and I think this is what I want to do. Darker cabinets on the bottom to contrast the flooring and then something light and airy up top, maybe even some glass doors with frosted glass.

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